Recent content by sniffity

  1. S

    I have a possible UPDATE on the November North American tour!

    if they be playing the troc im deff there. im there for alot of shows, did u catch inflames last tuesday?
  2. S

    comments on: 2003 release EOR

    i threw my burned copy out the car window last night, its too good and i have to make myself wait for the release and savor it then!
  3. S


    Fuck All Yall, I found it somewhere else, so the fuck what if i wanna listen to it, im still gonna buy it anyway, even if it sucked, which it doesnt. so fuck everyone who's gay, go fuckin download it already then buy it assholes
  4. S

    The new album kicks FUKN ASS!!

    SOmeone PM with a way to download it!!!!! pleassssE!!! im gonna deff buy it, but after waiting forever and knowing its on the net, i need a fuckin fix already. i need something new!! god i need something new
  5. S


    my bad.
  6. S


    I know alot of you might hate this question and have opinions about it but: anyone know where i can download the album?? Nevermore being one of my favorite bands, I can't wait for the release...I'll still buy it of course just cause the actual CD is more kickass. So if anyone could give me a...