Recent content by Solarized

  1. S

    Best of 2008 So Far...And Still to Come

    Well, Blackmail's still a whelp, remind him when he pops in this thread that the post was for him.
  2. S

    Best of 2008 So Far...And Still to Come

    Tell me; do you have the means to create music like Striborg? Do you have the means and vision to create music, at all? Let me know, Talentless Black Metal Dropout # 1088, tell me of all your great musical accomplishments!
  3. S

    Interview with Dan

    Condolences to you Dan, so sorry mate... But man, I had no idea Dan couldn't sustain the harsh vocals for very long...Crimson 1 & 2 are so brutal and Dan is one of my favourite growlers ever...I would have never believed it if I didn't hear it from the man himself!
  4. S

    Vic Records news related to Dan

    Yeah, that's part of the reason I don't post here - what's the point? Most of us on here have lives, most of us working for living, some of us are married with children; it wouldn't hurt to come home one day and read some news and maybe listen to a sample clip of on of our favourite bands. Some...
  5. S

    Almost $60 dollars?

    $60 = how many pounds?
  6. S

    Question for you, Opeth...

    This guy obviously knows nothing of management.