Recent content by SolarKnife

  1. SolarKnife

    Katatonia MIDI

    What program do you use?
  2. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Haha landade jäveln på nacken? :rock: Seriöst, vad gör det om han ler på scenen? Jävla fjantgrej. Tycker att alla i Katatonia gör sitt jobb klockrent, knappast några dussingrabbar.
  3. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    zeroMaximum: Hehe, det måste varit min polare =) Han är galen när han headbanger, har själv stått bakom honom, fett irriterande! =D
  4. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Haha, hade trollet ifråga en Theatre of Tragedy-tröja på sig? =)
  5. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Nopp, det var någon annan...
  6. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Varg: Nja, visst hade jag druckit men... Jag har faktist inget minne av att jag snackade med dig :loco: Jo jag såg också det där mongot som försökte stage-diva, synd att han inte avled.
  7. SolarKnife

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Ulver - Svidd Neger Soundtrack
  8. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Hehe, I was standing right beside you =)
  9. SolarKnife

    Västerås gig

    Yeah that sucked dude! I wanted to hear Murder and Deadhouse so bad =/ Haha, the same thing happened to us, we were standing outside drinking, and this old lady approached us and said that this was a arrangemant for the youth and that drinking alchohol was very inappropriate. Come on!!
  10. SolarKnife

    hey all of you KATATONIA LOVERS!

    I fucking love it! =)
  11. SolarKnife

    more bad-times music

    Or for people that are open-minded about music?
  12. SolarKnife

    more bad-times music

    I hope you guys haven't missed out on Godspeed You Black Emperor... They are fucking great... Really emotional music. The only bad thing is that they are Christian and tend to have people preaching in their songs... but, what the heck! CHECK IT OUT! =D And yeah, you must check out a...
  13. SolarKnife

    Kompendium compilation-WHEN??

    Ehmm.... What is that "Kompendium" thing you guys are talking about?
  14. SolarKnife

    Viva Emptyness, not quite as different as many think!

    Of course the songs are built up in the same kind of way. It's the same band you know!
  15. SolarKnife

    Inside The City Of Glass lyrics...

    You never know... I've heard stranger things...