Recent content by soundsunderground

  1. S

    Micing inside a tom?

    mics on the inside sound very odd to me. Kinda like a basketball hitting the pavement.
  2. S

    Distressor users --> Share your settings!

    Generally speaking with the distressor you will have less harmonic distortion with the distortion modes off obviously, no link engaged and less distortion as the ratios go up, attack is quicker, release is slower. At any setting if you open up the attack and make the release quick you'll be...
  3. S

    Lowering snare volume on live gigs

    +1 on the PA not being adequate. If the PA cannot get vocals above acoustic stage volume of drums, that's kinda pathetic.
  4. S

    ssd ex snare mixing?

    There are 1 or 2 really old gearslutz posts where he briefly tells some secrets gear like Audix i5, KM84, lil freq, api 550, distressor, 1176. Powerstroke 3 head I believe. Use big sticks like 2b
  5. S

    1176 fast attack issues

    Because they start turning knobs until it sounds good and do not worry about specs.
  6. S

    -18db mixing

    You have to take this with a grain of salt. 0 on a VU meter will read -18 or whatever your converters are calibrated to with a 1k sine wave. Obviously we're not recording sine waves. You'll find distorted guitars will read 0 on a VU meter and something like -10 ITB. As someone else stated...
  7. S

    New to Empirical Labs EL8

    I think this is one of the settings mentioned in the manual that I really like on the way in: 6:1, attack at 2, release at 1 or .5, HP detector in. This setting kinda acts like an L1. Catches all the peaks and really nails them and doesn't catch a lot of the soft stuff...very transparent...
  8. S

    Radial X-amp frustration

    my x amp sounds great. I DI track into a great river going into a rosetta and I can't tell a difference when a/b reamp vs. non reamp. I've found that by normalizing the recorded track before sending it to the reamp will get you about the same signal level.
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    snare flam

    as a drummer, it's the first hit
  10. S

    Help me choose my next preamp

    Great River ME1nv DI sounds incredible man. I have a/b'ed it with DI boxes like countryman thru the GR and the DI on the great river just smokes. Not sure why it sounds so good.
  11. S

    UPS Question

    Is there some reason you are prohibited from looking at the load meter on that UPS? They put those there for a reason.
  12. S

    Waves SSL vs. Smart C2...who can pick the outboard?

    Did you give the Waves clip an extra round of d/a a/d conversion? That would make the comparison more accurate.
  13. S

    Dunnett Ti samples

    Thanks! There's no compression, on the close mic waves/gogs just some eq and really not that much. There's no low end added.
  14. S

    How do you BEEF up your mix?

    snare needs more 3-8k range, then maybe turn it down some. Some of those toms at the beginning are super loud. agreed on the guitars...too mono
  15. S

    Dunnett Ti samples

    ah fail. Don't think this belongs in equipment.