Recent content by south_of_heaven213

  1. south_of_heaven213

    Who is the best VOCALIST???

    Mikael Akerfeldt Tom Araya James Hetfield Bo Summer - Illdisposed and Panzerchrist Chris Barnes
  2. south_of_heaven213

    Recommend some Porcupine Tree

    hey ppl. i just got into porcupine tree and really like some of their songs. my fav song so far is Arriving somewhere. i just like the buildup of the song and the heavy bit at the end. could u plz recommend some more songs like that or just any good songs by them in general. thnx
  3. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    ive got an idea for my next tattoo but just need to get it drawn. i know someone whoz an awesome artist but she is too busy to be drawing stuff atm. i wanna get a skeleton with long hair and real torn clothes with a guitar hangin off his shoulder and a beer in the other hand
  4. south_of_heaven213

    New Lamb Of God Single

    well it is a pisstake song so you can expect better lyrics. i love this band coz their music is fuckin intense
  5. south_of_heaven213

    How famous would Opeth be?

    like mikael said, opeth is a death metal band first and then a prog band. i think they wouldnt be as big if they didnt have the growling. its the death metal fans that get into them and then start liking the slower stuff as well. should actually have a poll on here and see what people prefer...
  6. south_of_heaven213

    Weakness......goin on hour 3...!!!...non stop play

    longest ive played anything on repeat is interlude by buckethead from the album enter the chicken. its 18 seconds long and one of the most hilarious thing ever. went driving around with my friends in the countryside listening to this. hahaha
  7. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    i agree with this as well. even if i dont like the band as much after like 50 years or so i would still like the tattoo coz it'll remind me about that time of my life.
  8. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    yeah everyone seems to be getting either a butterfly, a chinese writing, barb wire or a snake. lol. this thread turned into a pointless argument with those 2 ppl
  9. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    yeah i totally agree with u man.:rolleyes: *gotta nod along to keep the kid from gettin cranky and whiny*
  10. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    well i agree that aussie is gay. u should check out 8 foot sativa, sinate, subtract. some real good music here in NZ
  11. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    hey keith u into nz metal at all? im from auckland as well
  12. south_of_heaven213

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    haha i luv these 2 internet nerds man. theyre fuckin hilarious. "tr00" im guessing hes tryin to say true. and "^gh3yz0r" . LMAO. no idea what he's trying to say here