Recent content by Soviet Imperator

  1. S

    H.R. Giger / Art

    We had a thread about books a while back - what about art, though? There are several interesting avatars around - so I'd imagin that many of you are quite keen on this. My favourite is Giger, his work on ALiEN was almost equalled in the Necronomicon, but although his work was sometimes...
  2. S

    Best Borknagar singer

    I may be alone in thinking that Garm did the best vocals, although the songwriting in the Vortex era was a little better. I am a little disappointed by Vintersorg - I hope the next album will be a little more hard - edged.
  3. S

    The horrendous 'productions' of "Q" & "E"

    Did I hear someone mentioning an acoustic album???? I admit that there is a bit of fine tuning that could have been done on 'Q', but this is no reason to panic. If any of you read this, please don't make an acoustic album. Please.
  4. S

    Eggheadbangers unite

    Asimov and Clarke I agree with especially 'Rendezvous with Rama' and the sequels , and Herbert's 'Dune', but my favourite would be E.E. 'Doc' Smith's Lensman series. I also liked Shakespeare's comedies, Especially 'Twelfth Night'.
  5. S

    Not to touch a nerve or anything, but...

    :confused: I liked Nine Inch Nails.
  6. S


    Perhaps so, but don't think we can't improve things by doing it as it should have been done first time.
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    I liked all that prog. rock; Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, even material that wasn't, strictly speaking, progressive, such as ZZ Top and Black Sabbath.
  8. S


    Nature? Freedom? What about cowardice, narrow-mindedness and terror? [Xenomorph: I like you.]
  9. S


    Fear not, comrades. It will happen. You will see it soon enough. [Vladimir: Be careful.] [LadyA: No comment.]
  10. S


    Communism is not about crushing indiviuality, quite the contrary, it's about everyone contributing in equal measure, meaing that we those of us who are more fortunate in this or that aspect help those who are less fortunate in the aspect. So everybody wins. Many of you may be coiled up in...
  11. S


    First, a thank you to comrade Satori for that massive response. Let's see what I can do in reply. Firstly, many of you, including, it seems, my right honourable friend believe this to be some sort of joke post. This is not the case. As odd as it may seem I believe what I'm saying, and...
  12. S


    I call it 'fashion'. Yes, the same 'fashion' that inspires the hordes of screaming children to follow their pop idols and wear pink clothing, squealing and ignorant, is true as much of atheism as of religion. 'I don't f**king believe in f**king God' is merely an attempt by most of those of...
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    [Cornerstone of personal philosophy coming up......] But we are all brothers! We are all the same! And secularity / atheism is as much an attempt to brainwash the masses as religion is - only religion has been around longer. Sooner or later we will be forced into acepting all of this, and...
  14. S


    But some of us do know what we are here for. Our existence is not meaningless, and to suggest otherwise is to admit defeat.
  15. S

    Favourite track from Empiricism

    'Inherit the Earth', The Genuine Pulse', and 'Gods of my World', in that order. However no one song stands out like 'Colossus' on Quintessence or 'Oceans Rise' from The Archaic Course.