Recent content by soy_un_numero

  1. soy_un_numero

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    jaja funny, thanx for noticing =) 1.Name: Martha 2.Gender: F 3.Age: 18 4.Where are you from: Honduras 5.Other interests/anything else you'd like us to know about you: here
  2. soy_un_numero

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    hmmm wierd, this is my myspace not johny =)
  3. soy_un_numero

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    yep! los jodimos! felicidades =)
  4. soy_un_numero

    Best Opeth Song Moment

    wow yes the ending of burden!!!! when they change tune simultaneousely! i love it! ohh and also on Hessian peel, minute 1:37 to 1:47 wow tears shed off my eyes =)
  5. soy_un_numero

    Post your band info/music recordings here

    this is some stuff ive done, my voice on it to
  6. soy_un_numero

    Which Opeth song got you hooked?

    for me it was funeral portrait, and forced me also to buy blackwater park, and since, the addiction began
  7. soy_un_numero

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    yeah..i know.. its sad.. but i like traveling so theres my chance =) are you un hombre sincero? lol
  8. soy_un_numero

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    well i like the idea of the thread so my name is soy un numero (thats spanish for.. well find out for yourselves if u want) female, one of the rare opeth fans in Honduras, yeh a third world country which most of you havent even heard about yet and probably never will after me mentioning it...
  9. soy_un_numero

    Opeth Dreams

    every time i sleep with opeths music as a backround, especially that phase of sleep when you are just starting to fall asleep, tripping their music, kaleidoscoping wonderfull. Thank u OPETH