Recent content by Spasticinkrules

  1. S

    A headache and a 64th

    Anyone have a tab for this or know where to get one?
  2. S

    Why can't I play along with Testament?

    well i know its a little higher then standerd
  3. S

    Why can't I play along with Testament?

    I think its a half step up from E
  4. S

    The Fluctuating Demand of Energetic Disassembly
  5. S

    Wheres James?

    I was just wondering cuz theres been no updates or anthing since january
  6. S

    Circle of 12 tones

    How do you read these? and whats the tuneings for the videos?
  7. S

    29 frets

    And how do you do that kind of swirl
  8. S

    29 frets

    I was just wondering how to build a neck with 29 frets