Recent content by spicygarlic

  1. S

    3 members leaving quo vadis???

    ...i think its official ...theres nothing to do ....guys, you teach me how to play music and more, gounn and babouin play your songs everyday...its weird to say but you took a big place in my life ...but bart i have one FAVOR... PLEASE FINISH YOUR BASS TAB BOOK PROJECT ...i need it before...
  2. S

    Quo Vadis gigs for 2008

    is this show at Montreal ?????
  3. S

    du nouveau stock pour 2008?

    yeah !!! bass tabs :P:)
  4. S

    Break The Cycle cover

    nice cover les gars ....haa!!! jveu les tab de bass .....hey bart i have a question its been a little while that you announce de bass tab still waiting for it ...chek that cover .....imagine this with bass ......beautifull.....keep rocking quo vadis youre the proud of quebec
  5. S

    Silence Calls The Storm Cover!

    hey !!!!!!!!pk vous m'avez pas attendu ...c ratz. vous attendez meme pas le bassiste du band pour les cover...:Puke:
  6. S

    La prochaine pièce...

    lol dsl les gars le nom de babouin88 cest babisme88 comme de sont ancien cover ...dsl encore abel lol.
  7. S

    About bass...

    hey bart i am waiting for the bass book tabs its been a long time ago you annonce this..plz i want to play defiant imagination song with my friend i am bassist...hope youll answer soon and keep rocking guys your the proud of quebec:kickass::rock:
  8. S


    hey hey juste une kestion ....est ce quil va i avoir des bass tab dans ce livre de trop fou osti on va avoir les tabs de defiant imagination hhahahaha trop de cover en perspective :):):)
  9. S

    On The Shores (cover) quo vadis regarder sa!

    yes sire les gars trop debile sti ke sa torche pi on refais ste cover ak moi a bass sa va etre debile pi les gars faite vous en po yen a dotre toune de meme ki senvienne :P:)!!
  10. S

    hey bart jai une proposition...

    dsl pour le tit bonhomme ki baille sa lo po rapport c pcq jai fait 2 point pi apres la lettre "o" ........un cover de : on the shore ........
  11. S

    hey bart jai une proposition...

    hey salut bart,jai eu une petite idee ak mes friend ...tu peu accepter ou refuser,mais l'important c kon ai assayer.....le deal c ke metton ke avec mes friend on fait un cover de:on the shore of ithaka,absolution,hunter killer, I believe,silence calls the storm,rasputin,mute requiem...mais un...
  12. S


    yo-les-gars-de-quo-vadis-serieu-merci-bart-pour-la-tabs-de-on-the-shore-of-ithaka- mon-friend-la-jou-pi-la-la-vrm-bien-jva-marranger-pour-ki-post-une-video-pi-tavais- dit-ke-si-tu-voit-kelkun-la-jouer-tres-bien-tu-postai-un-nouvelle-tabs(jpense-kon-va-lavoir-notre-tabs-lol)...