Recent content by Spungfoo

  1. Spungfoo


    Pork chop sandwiches!
  2. Spungfoo


    My spoon is too big.
  3. Spungfoo


    Long and drawn out section in defense of my favorite band. Heavy barrage of insults hurled at plfffffft. Waving of testicles at iAMtheblackwizards. Long list of bands that could kick your favorite band's ass. Another comment on your sexuality.
  4. Spungfoo


    Lenghty rambling on my favorite band. List of other bands I listen to. Random flame of another board member. Rant on nu-metal. Completely off topic paragraph that has nothing to do with anything. Statement of my "tr00-ness." winking smiley face.
  5. Spungfoo


    Statement of old school metal's superiority to nu-metal. Lengthy diatribe of how your favorite band sucks. Off-color comment about your sexuality. Random expletives.
  6. Spungfoo

    Death metal Documentary

    1. Which bands would you personally love to see in a death metal documetentary? Most definitely the originators of the scene - and perhaps some of their biggest influences if you can manage that. Also, include the most popular death metal bands today as well as some lesser knowns. You might...
  7. Spungfoo

    Favorite Movie Soundtrack?

    Neil Young's "Dead Man" soundtrack. Psychedelic old western music, I love it. It's basically one long ass guitar solo with organ music and clips from the movie dispersed throughout.
  8. Spungfoo

    hehe i funny little thing i found :)

    Heh, an oldie but goodie. It's funny because it's true, unfortunately...
  9. Spungfoo

    Horror Authors

    Chalk one more up for Lovecraft here. Where would Morbid Angel be without him?...
  10. Spungfoo

    How goes your....TSHIRT collection!?

    Band t-shirts used to be all I'd wear... now I opt for cheap clothing from army-navy and thrift stores. I still have a bunch though... Carcass Slayer (3) Prong Sepultura Nailbomb Cannibal Corpse Type O Negative I think there's more but I don't want to look through my closet right now.
  11. Spungfoo

    The COOLEST word you know?

    Smegma I also like words with an "ass" prefix, like assclown, asshat and ass-pirate. There will always be an 8th grader inside of me that will never die =)
  12. Spungfoo

    Personality Disorder Test

    Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Very High Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Moderate Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate True 'dat, true 'dat.
  13. Spungfoo

    Nile is the best American death metal band

    I love Nile. It's relaxing for me. This sounds weird, but the rythyms, especially the drum beats are so constant it hits that "mellow center" in my brain... that whole hypnotic quality thing. Morbid Angel's "Formulas Fatal To the Flesh" has the same effect on me. My top bands to relax to are: BB...
  14. Spungfoo

    review of 5 songs from Metallica's St. Anger --->Holy fuck!
