Recent content by stalker138

  1. S

    Who have you seen in concert the most?

    anthrax 3x motorhead 5x sick of it all 7x nofx 3x morbid angel 3x dismember 6x entombed 7x suicidal tencencies 3x testament 2x rage against the machine 2x madball 3x the haunted 4x witchery 5x biohazard 5x ac/dc 3x iron maiden 2x rancid 2x metallica 3x life of agony 3x and...
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    Replace Milano...

    armored thrax, wow you bought the record before me i guess you got it on vinyl, that is so cool wow you´re the man, no i´m the man ,no YOU ARE THE MAN
  3. S

    Surfin' M.O.D. one of the worst albums EVER!

    Cincy vigilante i dont know what your problem is but, i have bought you a razorblad now, and i want you to use it to slit up your wrist´s. aren´t you hungry A.I.D.S livin´ in the city theme song If you think thoes songs suck, i´ll guess you listen to creed. i hope M.O.D vill make...
  4. S

    stalker128 is a Hermaphrodite?

    mmm love being me . a fan of anthrax not a fan of anthrax fan´s
  5. S

    bRaTpRiNcEsS is a male ???

    is she or is she not
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    Meatloaf's Daughter

    hey you know what i hope youre kids die and john bush i responsible for their death
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    Meatloaf's Daughter

    ok thats it i´m out of here. this board relly sucks now i know for sure no wonder anthrax has become a shity band with fans that likes meatloaf bye bye and i hope you die
  8. S

    denim patch vest

    festivals and concerts is where i got moste of mine. try e- bay maby
  9. S

    Any hockey fans?

    damn this bord sucks
  10. S

    Scary: Milano with Vanilla Ice?

    if billy say´s so it´s just the plain and simpel truth
  11. S

    denim patch vest

    well i dont know witch one you should get but my vest looks like this over the left chest poket Anthrax logo over the right chest pocket nifelheim logo left poket napalm death patch back patch suicidal tendencies logo i would relly lika a wermacht patch so if anyone got...
  12. S

    Some of you might consider this be in bad taste, but non-the-less:

    who is/was kurt cobain ????
  13. S

    Everyone Check out my Gore/Grind/Death/Black YaBB Forum

    putting this one on the top
  14. S

    Happy Easter everyone!

    yeah let us all think about jebus and his pains on the cross. And then visit the infernofestival =)))))
  15. S

    Musical survivor