Recent content by starclassic63

  1. S

    Blackstar Artisan 412

    Catch a charter flight out to Pony one day soon Ermz and give it a crack... Nice tight low end but a little bright as mentioned. I prefer the Series 1 cab for heavy stuff over the Artisan. Although we did end up using the Artisan cab for the Ne'O album.. I don't have a mesa oversize here...
  2. S

    How many inputs are do you guys have?

    34 in, 20 out, (lynx aurora, apogee ad16, UA 2192, Cranesong avocet) will regularly use up to 26 or more at once doing full live band tracking..
  3. S

    Good LIVE mic? Audix OM5 or other?

    hey Chris, troy from eye of the enemy here. definitely check out either the om5 or the akg d5.. either one would would suit you well.. if you weren't so far from hallam id say come down and try them both in the rehearsal rooms here.. cheers.
  4. S

    I'd love to achieve this particular tom sound. Tips?

    i'd start with big toms (as big as possible) resonant heads tuned slightly higher than normal,you may want to dampen them slightly. batter heads a touch past finger tight... big sticks and a big room or healthy dose of reverb... i'd say a touch of eq would be needed to gut the low mids. the...
  5. S

    Kick Mics

    i'll usually take a 901 or a d6 live... i have to work a little harder to get the 901 sounding bigger but i prefer the attack for rock orientated bands.. the click on the d6 can get a little distracting. but for metal the d6 is so easy to get a good sound quickly.. beware the 901 wont fit...
  6. S

    Drum head preferences

    after trying most heads out there. these suit my playing style/ sound the most. kick batter: Emad 2 or powerstroke4. the response 2(aquarian) is a good alternative kik resonant: evans emad reso snare top: evans genera hd dry or powercenter rev dot (thwack or pow!!) snr btm: hazy 500...
  7. S

    eye of the enemy e.p. full dowload.

    actually ermz.. the vocals on violent rapture AND dissaray were done with a dynamic.. audix om5 not a 58 still through a 2108 and distressor mind you.. and by all means ppl burn this thing and get it out there.. (it'd be nice if you can write the myspace adress on the disk so they can find us..)...
  8. S

    eye of the enemy e.p. full dowload.

    mixed by your very own moonlapse.. there was a sample posted a while ago that a few of you enjoyed so here is the full 7 songs (mp3 320 kbps) cheers troy Eye of the Enemy
  9. S

    Eye of the Enemy debut EP (Peavey and Mesa content)

    yeh the tlm worked well just had to really watch that julz didn't get too close, about 2 feet back was the sweet spot.. the cleans on burnies were done with the SE gemini, seems to cut the "whinging 14yo sound" from his voice nicely.. oh and dont stress bout the "salvage job" stuff for my...
  10. S

    Eye of the Enemy debut EP (Peavey and Mesa content)

    cheers for the props ermz... must say the mastered versions have come up really well (ermz, the engineer describes the mastered tracks sounding very "glued" but noted the lack of bass guitar hehe) will get you a copy next time we meet.. the vocals on weight of redemption were tracked with a...