Recent content by Steve ignorant

  1. Steve ignorant

    Building a digital compressor???

    Peace from the mothership, brothers hold it down!! I want to bulid a compressor for a guitar FX in Max/MSP? Does any one know a chuffing thing on the theory? Im thick. please enlighten me? Oh yeah. . . . . . . . . .Every day we are given stones. Do we bulid a bridge or wall...
  2. Steve ignorant


    OK ,not free but if your willing to work for it? Ive been playing guitar for about five years. I am studying at london met, just at the end of my second year. I have a theory and composition teacher but he is to classicaly bassed for me. What I am really looking for is a some one who is...
  3. Steve ignorant

    Accostic traetment and where?

    What do you mean real traps? As apose to fake ones? :tickled:
  4. Steve ignorant


    Peace from the mothership, brothers hold it down! Can any one shed some light on the subject phase vocoding? Razorjack are you feeling this? ! nudge, nudge, wink, wink!
  5. Steve ignorant

    Accostic traetment and where?

    That looks hot to trot!
  6. Steve ignorant

    Accostic traetment and where?

    How do I find out how much accostic traetment I need and then where would I put it once I did? This is for a live and monitor room. hit me!