Recent content by stevenwonder1

  1. S

    Question about SPDIF and 1/4 in regards to tone

    Thanks for the reply, but i dont think you understand my question? Im talking about the quality difference you get from recording via SPDIF as opposed to 1/4 from the Pod x3. Im guessing you get to bypass the anologue stage. Also, the x3 has the metal expansion packs included IIRC
  2. S

    Question about SPDIF and 1/4 in regards to tone

    Hey guys, First off.. I'm not a n00b just trying to copy joey sturgis with 'giz me insta patch for prot0nez' Even though i am a little noob in regards to technology Right. My question is. I'm looking into getting a pod x3 to record my guitars with. I dont have the cash or room to record real...