Recent content by stevepwn

  1. stevepwn

    What is your favorite Kalmah album?

    lol u recently heard of kalmah? i heard of them back in middle school lol
  2. stevepwn

    STYE - Is It Really That Awful?

    STYE is one of IF best albums
  3. stevepwn

    Where to find the "between" track from STYE

    funny i was just listening to the that on the album its so badass when touch of red ends and like you better dead starts
  4. stevepwn

    Do you think it's still In Flames?

    its boring and just focuses on a bunch of choruses...
  5. stevepwn

    Do you think it's still In Flames?

    last great in flames album was soundtrack to your escape, and everyone before that album was great as well. Come Clarity was the start of the falling off even though that was a pretty good album. The last 3 albums (asop, soapf, and sc) are all bullshit horrible albums.. Sad that they fell off...
  6. stevepwn

    in flames > DT

    to be completely honest
  7. stevepwn

    Best In Flames Album?

  8. stevepwn

    Why do so many people hate Anders Friden?

    anyone hating on In Flames and Anders can honestly go fuck themselves. Anders is a unique and great vocalist
  9. stevepwn

    Old or New???

    TJR, whoracle, and colony are the 3 most closely related and best
  10. stevepwn

    why all the hate for STYE??

    i like it better then ASOP and SOAPF
  11. stevepwn

    2012 North American tour thread *SPOILERS INSIDE!*

    i went to this tour, very disappointed
  12. stevepwn

    cheap metal cds website?

  13. stevepwn

    cheap metal cds website?

    where can i buy cheap death metal cds? thanks
  14. stevepwn

    outerspace/deepocean death metal ? exotic themed

    i want to listen to some eerie exotic themed death metal with themes of outer space or unknown things. like deeds of flesh or hypocrisy etc. i like listening to eerie death metal when im high at night outside taking a walk. thanks!:Smokin: