Recent content by stevie46

  1. stevie46


    WTF whats the deal with cancelling southern amp ?? i've got tickets booked flights arranged hotels, not happy:waah:
  2. stevie46

    new metallica album

    only heard Cyanide and brief clips from others i will reserve my judgement untill i have the Album, but calling it deth magnetic!! bad choice Metallica have a lot to live up too since the pile of pants that was St Anger and i do hope my faith is restored in them
  3. stevie46


    First off big thanks to Chuck he did promise that T were looking at coming to New Zealand last time i met him in the UK, not impressed with the rest of the line up but who cares i'm only gonna be there for Testament anyway, so i will be at a loose end for the rest of the day so if the guys wanna...
  4. stevie46

    Discovering Testament

    Roughly about 1988/89 ish a little know UK tv show called the power hour, it was on very early in the morning, good for watching when coming in from a club very drunk lol, anyway in my drunken haze i watched two videos one after the other first Over the wall then Trial by fire, after that i was...
  5. stevie46

    Best Testament Albums?

    Here is my top 5, 1) New Order 2) Formation of Damnation 3) The Gathering 4) Legacy 5) Practice
  6. stevie46

    Setlist for upcoming headline shows

    You Can't have a set list without Desciples !!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
  7. stevie46

    Testament Tour Dates 2008

    No chance the wife would let me, i'm trying to persuade her to let me go home to the UK for Download at mo lol
  8. stevie46

    Testament Tour Dates 2008

    WOO HOO Christchurch is back on, would be good if they come to Auckland, but hey i'm not complaining :Smokin:
  9. stevie46

    Testament Tour Dates 2008

    What happened to the New Zealand Date ??????????? :cry:
  10. stevie46


    Climate better than blighty been sunny an warm since october and i have fried my lilly white ass, no ozone about here so sun burns u after 5 mins lol
  11. stevie46


    Any one from Kiwi land up for going to see the greatest band on earth ? after emigrating from the UK i find myself bereft of travelling, drinking, substance abusing companions for metal gigs
  12. stevie46

    Goddamn - Testament in Australia again??!!!!!!

    :rock: i hope they don't forget us ex pats in New Zealand this time
  13. stevie46


    :muahaha: Hard to recommend what to listen too but check out TesTament
  14. stevie46

    Hello My Fellow Metalheads

  15. stevie46

    Hello Guys

    Metal an Beer is a good mix but i like to add some :Smokin: