Recent content by Stillborn

  1. Stillborn

    FS: UAD-2 Solo PCIe card

    Hi, I'm selling my UAD-2 solo card! It doesn't come in the original box, but it works perfectly (and it's a great card). $150+s/h (I'm located in PA). PM me if you're interested.
  2. Stillborn

    What would you change on that mix ?

    Thanks man !
  3. Stillborn

    What would you change on that mix ?

    anybody ?
  4. Stillborn

    What would you change on that mix ?

    Hey guys, I've just completed a mix for a band here in PA and they're pretty happy with it... But I still want to know what you would have done differently, what you think sounds wrong etc etc... Just a general "trying to improve anything or everything" kinda deal :)...
  5. Stillborn

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    Yup, used the conventional credit card form instead of paypal...
  6. Stillborn

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    paid... also got my ilok redeem license code...
  7. Stillborn

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    I have one
  8. Stillborn

    Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

    Count me in as well !
  9. Stillborn

    After Michael Jackson...

    Billy Mays just died y'all... Sad day... Very sad day...
  10. Stillborn

    MJ - Narcotics prescribed by physians ^_^

    Deepak Chopra... The... umm... Quantum healer ? Yeah...
  11. Stillborn

    Cubase problem

    maj+S and define the song length there... I think
  12. Stillborn

    Obama kills fly during cnbc interview :)

    Was the fly vegetarian ? If so... Double win ! :)
  13. Stillborn

    EYELESS new song (mixed by Jason Suecof)

    Not liking the mix... But the song is okay :)
  14. Stillborn

    I found a new band to hate!!!

  15. Stillborn

    VIRTUAL-PEEN POLL: Estimate how much worth of gear do you possess?

    I recently did a list of my gear, and it added up to about $35.000... Kinda shocked me actually !