Recent content by StillLife

  1. S

    Greater Metal Scene- NYC or Tampa, FL?

    well if ya were movin in the late 80s/early 90s...tampa
  2. S

    What's the worst show you ever saw ???

    well you should be able to sit through any band to see fantomas i'd sit through any band just to see mike patton, cause hes the best musician in the world, to me but yeah, ya can't not like the locust but i ain't goin out like that
  3. S

    What's the worst show you ever saw ???

    the locust?! you're badmouthing the locust?! damn you to hell!
  4. S

    DOOM metal?

    skepticism earth sleep(more stoner)
  5. S

    Led Zeppelin vs. Opeth

    the only people who are posting negativity are the ones who are saying that this thread sucks
  6. S

    Led Zeppelin vs. Opeth

    no one could ever write a song better than "Since I've Been Loving You" in my opinion
  7. S

    Best/Favourite bass intro

    Warheart by Children of Bodom is a good one...not really hard, but fast and just kicks you in the balls and takes you into the song vintersorg, e.s.p. mirage is good this is for metal only though and uhm...there are lots of good ones
  8. S

    Led Zeppelin vs. Opeth

    my two favorite bands... led zeppelin far surpasses though robert plant is the only person that can say baby over 31 times in a song and be considered a serious artist they just blow opeth out of the water really opeth is an amazing band but come on...can't beat the chemistry pagey percy jonesy...
  9. S

    Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

    at the orlando show i went to, this chick had an opeth tattoo near her cooch
  10. S

    Beginning double bass

    yeah, until you get more space and you know you're comfortable with it, stick with the double pedals i say... iron cobras seem to be the best but to start eh, just test them out an feel this also coming from a bass player
  11. S

    Most overated band / album?

    i don't think overrated, but lordhypnos is entitled to his own opnions, and he has a point, damnation isn't that new of a thing i like it and all, but its not very groundbreaking or breathtaking now something breathtaking, go listen to Genesis-Foxtrot
  12. S

    Most overated band / album?

    so you shouldn't voice your opnion? ..................
  13. S

    Most overated band / album?

    TOOL way to fuckin overated
  14. S

    Absolutely 100% PERFECT albums...

    Genesis-Foxtrot Weezer-Pinkerton Led Zeppelin-Houses Of The Holy Vintersorg-Visions From the Spiral Generator Charles Mingus-Mingus Ah Um and as its coming along Enslaved-Blodhemn
  15. S

    New to Amon Amarth

    nothing better than immortal surfing