Recent content by Strapping Young Lad

  1. S

    Spellbound by Terria

    yup, i am... its like taking drugs or something to listen to that fucking amazing album. Youre in another dimension. And heres the best part... its the only album by Devy i have. And i will be getting the rest very very soon... And i guess my experience will be similar, ive heard a couple of...
  2. S

    yea! ebay rulez!

    E-bay is good for selling stuff, there are allways crazy people that wants to buy an iron maiden single for 999$ out there... hehe
  3. S


    I got Crust today. and it was as good as I had expected. i think the production fits the music on the spot. The bass in particular. Eagerly awating Above The Light (Damn mailorder, they dont have Tribe!! grrr...)
  4. S

    Don't you love the moments when you find your feet again?

    I come up with ideas in my head, but i cant get them out on the guitar... its frustrating.
  5. S

    bands preferences

    hehe, you were being serious or just sarcastic? :spin: :lol:
  6. S


    Anyone know these guys? Heard them a while ago, they play twisted progdeath with alot of cool influences. They seemed impossible to get information on, until i found two of their albums on an online order-page, so i bought both immediatly, cause they rule! I havent been so exaltated because of a...
  7. S

    bands preferences

    My best musical experiences other than SYL and Devy are: Bal-Sagoth Dream Theater Emperor
  8. S

    Best Strapping Young Lad song

    hehe, the ones in my sig are my favs... Maybe. I dont know, sometimes songs like AAA and SYL are better. Depends on my mood :)
  9. S

    Bashing other forums can be fun...

    Hey! i actually like Sonata... they play a big part of my metal harmony, in which bands like Opeth are part of. Yeah. And i also like Slipknot... and ABBA. Yeah. Im sad aint I... :)
  10. S

    Which Hypocrisy's Cds do I have to buy first?

    I think the last 5 albums are the best, cause theyve got this atmospheric thing going, especially Final Chapter. Im not really into the straight forward Death that are on Penetralia etc. But if you are, get that one :) Edit: The 5 im talking about is in chronological order: Abducted, The...
  11. S

    What does Avatar mean exactly?

    First time i hear this word here on UM, i registered yesterday. Can someone please explain? :spin:
  12. S

    where is everybody from?

    Nossebro, Sweden. For you swedes, its where Ginza is located :p
  13. S

    The Now Playing Thread

  14. S

    Does anyone other than me see the pure genius in V?

    Yep, that would be something alright... Then afterwards Transatlantic would go on and play All Of The Above, which is another masterpiece. And then A Change Of Seasons, and then maybe Jethro Tull could dust of their instruments and do Thick As A Brick for us... lol, ok thats a bit much to ask...