Recent content by Stripflash

  1. Stripflash

    Your pictures when you were a kid.

    hmmm... since when are dark haired negro mestizzos cute? what have I missed?
  2. Stripflash


    I would probably kick his ass, I am bigger than him so, that makes me the king of the hill! ..and everyone would start to worship me! yeah man! I like that, I really do!
  3. Stripflash

    Who is the hottest Metal Babe here?

    I would do you Lady raatikainen he he ho :D
  4. Stripflash

    Alexi's Beer

    Scandis don't drink Budweiser, it's warm water tasting like warm piss, scandis drink Norrlands guld, Lapin Kulta, Koff, Mariestad, Tuborg, Carlsberg, Olvi, Pripps Blå, Falcon Export, etc etc
  5. Stripflash

    Israel in EUROvision

    Soon Turkey is joining the EU aswell... wierd isn't? last time I checked a map, Turkey is in Asia.
  6. Stripflash

    Does anyone know Japanese?

    Sushi, Miso soup, harakiri, kamikaze, karate, Kawasaki... I know some why?
  7. Stripflash

    What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

    Yeah the psychopat priest from the USA... :goggly:
  8. Stripflash

    What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

    Oh! Well, I think lots of finns did settle in Canada some time ago, like in the 18 hundreds or so... Next time you see a blond drunk on a bench, ask him if he is Finnish!?
  9. Stripflash

    What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

    Are you of finnish descent? or of any nordic descent? ever been to Finland? what makes you love Finland so much? the reindeers?
  10. Stripflash

    What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

    And, that Heartless guy sure is an attention whore, if he can't get attention by being nice, he will start flaming, attention is the most important thing for him. When he grows up, gets a job, he will be pushing everyone around if he don't get his daily shot of attention, in medical terms it's...
  11. Stripflash

    What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

    Watching this silly thread, it's quite obvious that CoB fans are sensitive EMO kids, bitching in a forum... it's embarassing!
  12. Stripflash


    The answer is YES, you can hardly find another band like this, anywhere! This is pure Nordic rock! Hail CoB!
  13. Stripflash

    When they will come to China ? COB

    China? CoB shouldn't even consider a China gig before China let the poor tibetanians to be left alone. Dalai Lhama FTW
  14. Stripflash


    HAHAaha! Always an english accent when it comes to movies like this, Ancient battlefields, so funny! why is it never english with a german accent? OK I can understand an american accent would blow alot because USA is only 200 years old and full of fat ugly people...