Recent content by Stuffiekins

  1. Stuffiekins


    Perkele sanon minä! Kiuas has always had a perfect sound and Ilja's brilliant vocals have been a source of national pride to me ever since I first heard Kiuas. It's a real shame that this had to happen and I honestly feel like this just ended my childhood (btw I'm 21). PS. I'm really pissed...
  2. Stuffiekins

    Kiuas' new video!

    Everybody loves boobs. But I'm glad you kept it subtle. The song hadn't stricken me before because the other songs sort of overshadow it. But now that it's seperate you really get to appreciate it for all it's heaviness and power.
  3. Stuffiekins

    KIUAS - LUSTDRIVEN 31.3.2010

    I actually LOVED Lustdriven even though the "folky" and black metaly side has greatly lessened (which were the things that drew me to them back in '05). Also it may be me getting old(-er) or Kiuas getting better but the choruses in the more-or-less filler songs have gotten significantly less...