Recent content by STUMPY666

  1. S

    Isis/Jesu/Kill The Thrill - The Custard Factory, Birmingham, 20/04/2005

    yep, caught this at Rock City, Jesu were superb. I had seen them previously in London last year, supporting Pelican, where they were let down by major tecnical difficulties, so this was a treat. Caught the last 10 mins of the support band, not sure what they were called, but they had a sax...
  2. S

    Top 10 most underrated albums - 80-90 era

    No mention of Raven??? - Outrageous!!!!
  3. S

    Does anyone like The Smashing Pumpkins

    awful....very bad indeed, whining whinging music that was dull and very very boring, utter toss, that needed a good kick in the bollocks, and a very hard one at that! - did nothing for bald men either.
  4. S

    dark/serious non-metal music?

    this is non-metal, not light hearted and not about girls,