Recent content by Svářeč

  1. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Oh my gosh, this is such a huge fucking letdown after all this hype. I like the riff but that's pretty much all. Verse is terrible and chorus is even more awful than Dead Eyes or WEWO. If this track would be included in the standard version of SC, it would be one of the worse tracks. Which means...
  2. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Hipster metal :lol:
  3. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    He's obviously a nice guy and they're friends with band members so of course he's not gonna mock it. But I'm pretty sure he doesn't listen to it :)
  4. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Liberation has fine music at least :) Honestly, as long as the music is good, I don't care about lyrics. As for Liberation, I've never searched them up. But yeah, I'm looking at them right now and some lines are pretty silly, I admit that. But music is excellent unlike these lazy ballads from SC...
  5. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Still better than "My destinatiooon, My missiooon, my intuitioooon" :lol:
  6. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    That sounds familiar, isn't it from some Nickelback song? :lol:
  7. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Where the fuck did you get these bonus songs? Or are you just trolling us?
  8. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    We don't say we want SoapF p. 2 (actually SC sounds like it), we want something on the same level. Two different things. SoaPF has kick-ass riffs, catchy choruses, worked-through solos, fine performance by Anders. None of this is present on SC, except for a few moments.
  9. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    What? Rusted Nail and Filtered Truth sound exactly like leftovers from SoaPF. They've got that feeling.
  10. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    The chorus of demo version is boring non-catchy crap with Anders bad vocals. The chorus of the final version with those screams kicks ass.
  11. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Yesterday I felt like this song grew on me too but now it's boring again :) Riff and verse aren't bad but that slow chorus ruins it. Actually, after listening to it for another day, Rusted Nail and Filtered Truth are the only songs I enjoy now.
  12. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    :) Mirror's Truth and Sober & Irrelevant are worst songs from that album for me. I must admit I like Disconneted a little, but I just can't help but laugh everytime I hear that chorus :lol: Other songs are just boring average.
  13. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    The only songs I like from ASoP now are Sleeples again, Delight & Angers, Move Through Me and March to the Shore. Plus the bonus tracks. The Chossen Pessimist has nice outro and some nice melodies in overral, but I just can't stand listening to it through whole 8 minutes. So fucking long and...
  14. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was even less. I've read somewhere, that most of the contracts nowadays work that way that until label gets all the invested money back, band itself doesn't get anything. krofius: Exactly, I wrote my reply before I read your post :)
  15. Svářeč

    In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

    Plus I suppose majority of income from album sales goes to the record label. Same with merchandise.