Recent content by Swansong89

  1. S

    What's taking so long?!

    Gaad :P Feels like you have been waiting forever :) But hey... Who couldn't wait forever for a new Skyfire album?? \,,/_(Ò_ó)_\,,/
  2. S

    Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Skyfire - Breed through me, Bleed for me
  3. S

    Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Insomnium - Mortal share
  4. S

    Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kalmah - The black waltz
  5. S

    Insomnium - Above The Weeping World Review

    The new album is really awesome :D Change of heart is favorite this far ^^
  6. S

    OT: New Song!

    Quiet good :D KUTGW
  7. S

    Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Insomnium - The Elder
  8. S

    What attracts you to Skyfire?

    I first heard skyfire in school... Was surfing on the net and looking for some cool music... Totally ignoring my school work ;) And I end up after som metalpages at Skyfires offical site. And there I found a sample of the song Cursed by belief(i think it was)... Started to listen, and the words...