Recent content by SwarmofBattle

  1. S

    going to start recording properly, need help

    i want to start doing more recording with microphones and stuff so i want to upgrade my hardware definitely and software, possibly. i have a toneport at the moment and i dont like it too much when recording with microphones. i don tknow if its cos im bad at recording, but it sounded shite. i...
  2. S

    some question about tc g major

    the more i am looking at gcs1 the more i think it is for the best.
  3. S

    some question about tc g major

    thank you metal overlord. i have sometimes been thinking that the gsc1 foot controller might be better. it is a pedal with 4 fx loops for this pedal i am not sure if it works like the midi moose does. with the g lab gsc1 i can press one button...
  4. S

    some question about tc g major

    it is okay about the hi jack misterjager. i want to know if the g mjaor can be used with perhaps the tech 21 nyc midi moose pedal unit ok ? and midi moose can be powered with the 9 voltage power supplied to my pedal from my pedal power supply ? for running my noise gate and my overdriver unit...
  5. S

    some question about tc g major

    so i resently read in a thread about the g major. it looks very good to go with my 6505 ! i do have 1 or more question however. i will list i like that it has a tuner but i will use this as an f x loop unit. will the tuner work good ? from what i think i know the 6505 order is pre amp - f...
  6. S

    Peavey JSX & G-Major

    okay so i have been looking for more effects. i havent come across the g major before but i like the look and i have some questions. i have 6505. with this rack unit i can change from rhythm to lead channel on 6505 and program a setting so change this? what i nmean is that one button can...
  7. S

    Drumkit from Hell(p)!

    nooob alert Hi guys. at this moment in time, i'm using a roland cube DI'd into my computer to record a rough demo to hand out to venues before my new band can gig. Problem is, i'm using standard midi drums in cubase, and i do have some pride in the music i've created i've been looking...