Recent content by Syconauter

  1. S

    Syconaut, the ultimate mix of the headbangers bowl era...

    Whats up everyone? Just wanted to paste a link to our pages on the web... Would be nice to hear some reviews of our stuff we have on the pages! Cheers!
  2. S


    Whats up metalheads?! Swedish band, Syconaut, trying to make our way into the world of record labels... 4 demos released... listenable on or Stay true, stay hard, stay metal!:rock: Cheers, Juha, Syconaut Sweden
  3. S

    Syconauter breaks the walls...

    Hey metalheads, time for us to enter the world of Ultimate Metal! Just wanted to say cheers to everyone, and hopefully take some advantage of UM! Syconaut says HELL-O!!!