Recent content by symphomaniac

  1. symphomaniac

    I Need A New Amp

    ENGL Powerball. but try as many different amps as you can
  2. symphomaniac

    Metallica - St. Anger (Album)

    I don't understand the concept of this album. I mean, what the hell does Metallica have to be so angry about anyway. They have made millions of dollars writing crappy songs that a deaf amputee would not waste their time with, they have travelled and played the whole world, they pretty much...
  3. symphomaniac

    what would you ask Mike?

    I would ask him how he manages to stay awake whilst playing such boring music?
  4. symphomaniac

    6 disc metal compilation from Meathead Records

    I just wanted to let you all know that has just released a killer heavy metal compilation boxset. It includes 5 cd's and a dvd with over 100 underground bands taking part. The best part is the price. Its only US$29 and the first 100 copies sold come in a nice metal...
  5. symphomaniac

    Symphonic Chaos - Sterilizing the Unworthy

    Anyone else going to check it out???
  6. symphomaniac

    Symphonic Chaos - Sterilizing the Unworthy

    Hey guys and girls, I have posted our entire cd in our downloads section so please have a listen and let me know what you think. We have a review on this site and also an unsigned spotlight. Would appreciate some feedback on this cd. Our second full length cd should be finished soon too...
  7. symphomaniac

    BBE Sonic Maximiser Is Da Bomb!

    I have the software version of the BBE for my pc and its pretty cool. But like the rackmount versions it has to be used in moderation. It can work wonders in thin sounding sources but can easily be overdone.
  8. symphomaniac

    practicing with a band

    I have played in bands since i was in high school and enjoyed it most of the time. But i haven't been in a band for over 2 years now and they have been my most musically productive years. I find writing music on my own i have total control over where i want it to go and it just tends to flow...
  9. symphomaniac

    Computer music composing

    I have been recording music on my pc for a few years now. I use Cakewalk Sonar for multitracking and mixing. Its an awesome piece of software that truly lets you be creative. It comes with a Dr008 drum machine plug-in and Livesynth Pro which lets you use soundfonts. To record my guitar i use the...
  10. symphomaniac

    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    Another vote for the ESP F200. I love mine and would hate to part with it. With my EMG 85's and my roland synth pickup installed its the sexiest axe i have ever seen. ;-P