Recent content by sype

  1. S

    COB Interviews

    ^ "I remember that when I was 13 I said to my parents that I won't go to high school and I hate school, I just wanna play guitar. And end of fucking story." New tv-show on Yle Teema 1.11. Something like that.
  2. S

    COB Pics

    Great pictures, thanks a lot! I was there in Sotkamo too, but I didn't get any good pics...:(
  3. S

    You laugh, you lose...

    ^ Haha I love those little guys, especially the guitarist :lol:
  4. S

    What are you listening to?

    Throwdown - Holy Roller
  5. S

    Mikä on mielestäsi Bodomin paras levy???

    Kyllä se Hate Crew Deathroll on paras. Ei mulla siihen mitään isompia perusteluja ole, kaikki biisit vaan on aivan mahtavia. Silloin kun ostin levyn niin kolmeen kuukauteen en muuta kuunnellutkaan. Follow The Reaper tulee hyvänä kakkosena.
  6. S

    How long have you been a Bodom fan?

    I've been a fan just about 2 years now.