Recent content by Taenim

  1. Taenim

    Now Playing....

    Morgion - A Slow Succumbing \m/
  2. Taenim

    Faith ?

    I'm an Atheist, though I do sometimes wish that I wasn't ;) I wish Atheists wouldn't call Christians (or religion in general) "retarded" all the time. It makes us sound bitter, immature, and fanatical. Belief and intelligence are utterly separate. I know it's a hot issue. I know that...
  3. Taenim

    If Mikael knew music theory

    I've never been a huge fan of Music Theory as a concept. It implies a certain level of universality that I'd hesitate to apply to art in any form. But, yeah, Mikael probably wouldn't change his music stylistically if he had any more or less background in Music Theory. I think that he writes...
  4. Taenim

    Mike for the Shredder award?

    So this award is supposed to honor the best "shredder" Maybe I'm looking a bit too far into this (or maybe this is too obvious to be discussed?), but what the fuck does the verb "to shred" really mean in this context? A lot of the debate in this thread could probably be handled by defining...
  5. Taenim

    Name one song with better growling than Blackwater Park!

    As far as really low growling goes, I really like Mikko Kotamäki of Swallow the Sun. Not sure if he's better (he's pretty different stylistically), but holy shit he's good.
  6. Taenim

    Now Playing Thread

    The Fall of Every Season - The Triumphant Beast \m/
  7. Taenim

    Honest opinions on Watershed

    Yah know, it's weird. Modern metal fans have been so afraid of general shifts in musical style since the early to mid-00's. And, sure, mainstreamization is a real danger for some genres of metal (very recent melodeath releases come to mind). I feel like a few bad cases of mainstreamization...
  8. Taenim

    Critical future of Opeth...

    About the "idiot masses and their simple music" cliche': Music is an art. As an art, its value is annoyingly relative to the listener. Metal fans tend to be very, very elitist in their love for music (I'm sure that the endless amounts of subgenres and sub-subgenres and sub-sub-subgenres of...
  9. Taenim

    Opeth-Like Bands

    Barren Earth is probably worth a listen if you're into Opeth. They're a side project and I don't think they've released a full album yet, but their progressive side is similar to Opeth's sound. Something to watch out for, anyway