Recent content by Tantemøkken

  1. T


    I'm not a bass-player, I just love to make weird sounds on it. I just wondered, how much better do it feel to have six strings to play on versus four? Six strings versus five?
  2. T

    Lossless online music store

    As far as I remember, I've ripped wav to wav on my computer... But I'm definitively not a fan of filesharing of music or movies, I've done it a few times, but that was mainly out of curiosity on how torrents works, and there exists legal stuff to download over torrents, linux distros...
  3. T

    New band... name help

    I think it's quite cool, but not as a logo. But as a something you places somewhere inside the cover, or on the back. A tiny hint from me on how to draw a BM-logo: Start with just simply drawing the letters with your normal handwriting and a pencil (this is because you shall erase it away...
  4. T

    how old were u?

    27, now 29
  5. T

    Exceptional Bork moments

    The whole Epic album... Even the day I bought it stands as a bright memory...
  6. T

    "Epic" lyrics :)

    Good site, really much lyrics collected on one place...
  7. T

    "Epic" lyrics :)

    By the way, where can I find the lyrics for Empiricism? I'm having a real hard time reading them from the booklet, since the fonts are so weired... (Well, I'm totally capable of doing a internett-search on my own, so I don't need it, was just a fun thing to say...):Saint:
  8. T

    gr1m, tr00 and kvlt!!

    :rock: Definitively not the BM-dude that was the darkest of the two...
  9. T

    What kind of places do black metal-guys grow up?

    Yes, I am interested in brazilian BM. (As far as I've only been intereasted in BM for a quite short while, and in that while just bought some BM from my own country.) Since evry music-listeners seems to slaughter my theory:loco:, I just wondered, is there anyone music-players that have a opinion?
  10. T

    What kind of places do black metal-guys grow up?

    I have thought much about the following: I have grown op in a little, drained marsh-area with mountains on many of the sides, quite isolated, cold and dark there, last place the snow melted... The thing I've noticed is that the onliest person who have have had any kind of fame (minor (or may...
  11. T


    Sad that you don't use corpsepaint, oterwise: Who would notice the difference? :flame:
  12. T

    The Epic enhancement...

    Oh, I honestly believed it was just water...
  13. T


    The reason you haven't got an answer on your question from any of the bandmembers is may that they've answered it approx half a year ago in this forum... :erk: I remember that all of them had day-jobs, and as far as I remember the answers, one was behind the cameras in one or another TV-show...
  14. T

    How does Borknagar sound in surround?

    Dear Evil Dead! It's actually true what I write, one more thing to tell is that mine is very old (from mid 70's...) and quite strong, so it's probably had worse sounds passing far louder than a bassguitar on a modest sound-level. The wrong thing who normally happends when you put a bass or a...
  15. T

    The Epic enhancement...

    Lars must be a very funny guy...