Recent content by Taylor Jane

  1. T

    What if....

    I would not buy it. I think John Bush is by far the better vocalist. As for Rob he kicks ass. They tried to do something with Belladonna and Bush a few years ago and I don't think sales for that show were that great anyway before they announced he was not gonna do it.
  2. T

    O/T First snowof the year baby!

    All the snow turned out to be was a pain in the ass. I went to see Stereomud/Sevendust last night in CT. A trip that should have taken an hour and a half took three hours. And today it seems like nothing.
  3. T

    Happy Birthday Rob Caggiano

    I am not sure if you read this board or not but have a great day and I will talk with you soon!!!!!!!
  4. T

    OT: GNR vs. GNR

    I think Axl is good but it is NOT GNR.
  5. T

    anthrax stuff

    Every time they tour my friends and I make a joke that Charlie is cleaning out his basement again with all of the old stuff that they sell.
  6. T

    Pictures from Pratteln/Switzerland!

    Very cool you made my day.
  7. T

    does anyone know when LOA tickets go onsale?

    From what I heard there is gonna be another show at Irving and a warm up show at Birch hill so you should have a shot.
  8. T

    does anyone know when LOA tickets go onsale?

    Yes I am. I am going with two of my friends. Maybe I will see you there.
  9. T

    does anyone know when LOA tickets go onsale?

    Maybe I will see some of you there
  10. T

    does anyone know when LOA tickets go onsale?

    Roadrunner says this week and there site says go to ticketmaster which of has no info whatsoever?
  11. T

    How long until new album is all over net, and ?????'s about label

    Have you seen the other artists on Beyond records. I think that it is beyond crap myself.
  12. T

    Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

    Hey I can't go to the show myself so why would l let you backstage. Talk to me when they are in New York.
  13. T

    Anthrax last night!

    I am so jealous I wanted to go to England to see them so bad.
  14. T

    Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

    I really like the new stuff. Of cource I may be bias cause I am friends with Rob but I think the new album is gonna be great. I can't wait for it myself.