Recent content by tazzola

  1. tazzola

    St. Anger

    I actually like the new album, too. I don't like the CD version of events, though. Much better with the DVD. Use the CD as a drink coaster, and rip the DVD audio into an MP3 CD.
  2. tazzola

    Any Other Musicians Out There?

    My dream band would play prog metal, but not all the numbers have to be 20 minute epic wankfests...:loco: I'd throw in some jazz-fusion, some Afro cuban, acoustic stuff, and a few "out there" pieces and covers. Right now, I hold the low end for a bunch of guys and gals older than me. I don't...
  3. tazzola

    NY Clubs

    Yes, the Village Vanguard IS a jazz club. Suit and tie required! Small stage too, and I think there's a two drink minimum, so nobody under 21 in there...
  4. tazzola

    New Metallica album cover

    I agree here. I suppose this is why I have my post-Black albums in storage, except for S&M, which I actually like a bit. At least I'd like to see how this one turns out. It's no wonder Newsted left. I'm glad to see him in his fave band, Voivod; he deserves it. Even Jean-Yves Theriault...
  5. tazzola

    New Metallica album cover

    Normally, I do support bands I like by buying their albums, but I may be tempted to download this one first... :Smug: Maybe with the addition of Rob Trujillo, the band will actually whip itself into shape. Hopefully, they've scrapped all of Bob Rock's bass lines in the album, and allowed Rob...
  6. tazzola

    What gear did James use on Disincarnate-Dreams Of The Carrion Kind

    Cool...another TubeScreamer fan... :) I use two myself, a Soundtank TS-5 and a more recent ToneLok TS7 with the HOT switch. The TS7 's TS-9 mode comes very close to the newer TS-9's in sound. It's also a great pedal for bass overdrive sounds (in HOT mode) a la Voivod (pre-Nothingface) or...
  7. tazzola

    Still plugging away at this one - Wanda portrait take 5?

    Looks great so least I could help you with the's a pic of one from the G&L site, it's a SB-2 model, the bass her black workhorse is based on: Let's hope you finish the pic soon... kind of partial to Steph, as I'm a bassist myself. :grin: Not that the others are...
  8. tazzola

    Kosmos show rocked

    Based on the SB-2, just like her black one?
  9. tazzola

    New York in June!?!?!?!?!?!

    Yes, do come out to NYC! I don't live too far, so I could probably make it. :) :Spin:
  10. tazzola

    54321 Clip

    Yes, it's possible, but given the short length that the Maidens are featured in, it's not worth the trouble. MPEG files with the same amount of time as either the low bandwidth or high bandwidth QuickTime clips would actually be slightly bigger, I think. You'll just have to use the free...
  11. tazzola

    james hetfield's thoughts on rehab

    If this revelation, and the recent vid clips with Rob Trujillo are any indication, let's hope the band is back in top form. I'd definitely pay to see these guys play, even if I have to wade through all the rapcore newbs. At least I'd show 'em what a real mosh pit is like!!!
  12. tazzola

    Corny caption...

    Aww I just LUUVVVV this nice shot! :) I used this caption in the forums: !!!!!! AWWWWWWW F#$K IT TAZ !!!!!! :tickled::Spin::p:loco:
  13. tazzola

    54321 Clip

    You can watch fullscreen only if you have QuickTime Pro. :( Or, if you're like me and use Linux or FreeBSD, you can use something called MPLayer from, and watch from there. I think there are Windows and MacOSX versions for that...check the site if you even care a bit. Great...
  14. tazzola

    Question for Stev-o

    You also need to warm up before speed picking. John Myung of DT, for instance, is well known for warming up two hours before every show, without fail. And that's the entire two hour period, just warming up. No wonder he can play 3-4 hours on every show, and he hardly flubs a note.
  15. tazzola

    Four string or five string?

    I wouldn't give up my 4 strings for anything... :)