Recent content by TB303

  1. T

    Anyone good at mixing live stuff? (raw tracks inside!)

    Uurrgghh... This is the idea I'm after....I'm just no good at mixing stuff I haven't recorded (or anything for that matter..) Just started this after posting... Waiting for someone to make this sound shit hot though :)
  2. T

    Anyone good at mixing live stuff? (raw tracks inside!)

    Cool man...glad I'm not the only one ;) Heres some class vocal moments... This is in english...honest The most powerful screams you'll ever hear in extreme music
  3. T

    Anyone good at mixing live stuff? (raw tracks inside!)

    Cheers dude, thats it all up now...hope its worth it!
  4. T

    Anyone good at mixing live stuff? (raw tracks inside!)

    Hey there, I got a load of raw tracks off a band from a live gig they did, recorded on "the best recording gear any venue has" seemingly.... (you can comment on this if you like!) I tried and I tried and I tried and I gave up after re-recording almost every part...I just can't make it sound as...
  5. T

    new mix challenge ???

    Another crap mix from a random lurker...I think I must have forgotten to resample the tracks, although I prefer it lower and slower ;) Right click save target as etc...
  6. T

    Yet again, more raw tracks.....

    Hey, thanks for sharing these files! Great fun! I'm new to this stuff so my efforts are probably way off, and everyone's probably sick of this tune by now, but for what its worth heres my first bash at it. I was replacing the toms by hand, but got bored half way through so they just...