Recent content by tenebrose

  1. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Det är inte riktig sport om man inte har minst fyra blåmärken! Och det var inte en bra match om man inte går därifrån med en riktig lårkaka. :)
  2. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Bah! Sport ska utföras, inte tittas på. Jag förstår inte alla människor som t.ex. går och tittar på fotboll, men inte kan få huvudet ur röven tillräckligt länge för att gå ut och spela själv. Fotboll ska avnjutas med svett och massor av blåmärken! :)
  3. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Mjölk? Var?! (har bara druckit 1½ liter mjölk idag... måste ha mer!) (A bit lost, Oyo?)
  4. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Börja med vad? Sanningar? :p Hrm. Jag pluggar vikingar, kelter och gaeliska. Kombinationen är svår att hitta någon annanstans -speciellt om man vill komma undan terminsavgifter.
  5. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Tänka sig, det har jag också. Och ja, jag är i Skottland... därav "Location: Aberdeen, Scotland" (*suck* noll-åttor...) :Smug:
  6. tenebrose

    The official Swedish thread

    Jag är varken löst folk (sorry) eller skoterraggare, men jag antar att jag kan falla i kategorin "skotteraggare". Är det nära nog?
  7. tenebrose

    lets get to know each other shall we

    I am tenebrose. I'm from Staffanstorp (Sweden), but I live in Aberdeen (Scotland). I love pop music, like Britney Spears, but I like the attention of groveling, drooling, uncivilised, testosterone-driven metalheads, so I used to hang out at Opeth Off-Topic/Chat. (just to prove that no one...
  8. tenebrose

    Aggressive power metal meets black metal

    Ye've got some great music there, mate! :grin: When are you touring Britain? :p
  9. tenebrose

    i love my wife a lot!take a look!

    Aside from the fact that she's wearing lingere, I don't see anything special about that woman. :err: She looks slightly like an acquaintance of mine, Sandra, but that's about it.
  10. tenebrose

    We need your opinion...

    - Would you buy a limited edition t-shirt? Quite possibly. - How much would you be prepared to pay? Depends on the design, quality, etc. - Short or long sleeves? Doesn't matter, as long as it's a girly-T. I don't do baggy T-shirts any more. - Black shirt, or other? Black. Duh. -...
  11. tenebrose

    I'm obsessed with Avril Lavigne!!!

    One word: Who?
  12. tenebrose

    I have to say, the User Photos Page...

    As I remember it, I never sent in a picture... it was stolen and put on there anyway! :P Hrm... those pictures are old now.
  13. tenebrose

    what songs got you hooked on vintersorg

    Well, that is a very hard question to answer. I was slowly infiltrated with Vintersorg (originally Otyg, actually) referrences by my ex boyfriend.. after which he changed tactics and played Vintersorg constantly when I was over. After a while it'd grown on me. I can't say just when or why...
  14. tenebrose

    For anyone interested in old norse literature...

    Not true. I dare you to look at Old Icelandic and Modern Icelandic. Difference? Modern Icelandic has removed a few of Old Icelandic's letter combinations, to make them gramatically correct, and an ending or two is different... plus the vocabulary has expanded (although all modern vocabulary...
  15. tenebrose

    The new merch

    Hooray for girlie shirts! I hate how you can't get them anywhere (although Blind Guardian did have one, when they played in Lund... only one I've seen so far at a concert). Being a size 34/36 sucks some times (although with a belt, it means you can own quite a number of "band dresses"...