Recent content by ThaiInSwe

  1. ThaiInSwe


    First of all thank you for welcoming me C. =) I, too was disappointed with Tarja's solo. When I heard her side project with Martin Kesici all I had in my head was "what the heck?" And I tried her solo album but I always ways ended up put some Nightwish songs from her "era" on instead. I don't...
  2. ThaiInSwe

    What is Your Favorite Nightwish Album?

    Mine is Wishmaster, without a doubt =)
  3. ThaiInSwe


    I grew up listening to Nightwish so without a doubt the image of Nightwish in my head is Tarja with all the guys. Do I like Anette? Yes, but not as much as I like Tarja, but I am working on it. I know that many people, including myself do try to compare Anette and Tarja, but I don't get what...
  4. ThaiInSwe

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Finntroll - Nifelvind. I have to listen to them at least once a day while I am working. My colleagues are not a big fan of them tho =(