Recent content by Thailmore

  1. Thailmore

    Sprigfield VA @ Jaxx - who's going?

    Well, I'm not in Iraq anymore. I got back home early last monday morning, but, since the show is on a tuesday, and I can't get leave, I won't be able to drive up from Bragg and still be able to make it back in time for work on wed. Arg. Oh well, at least i'm home.
  2. Thailmore

    Sprigfield VA @ Jaxx - who's going?

    This is the official "dammit" post. As I feared, my unit has screwed me out of going to this show. I can't get leave to go up to VA, so I guess I'll just have to watch and see how the show was from the postings of the people that went. Arg. :mad:
  3. Thailmore

    Sprigfield VA @ Jaxx - who's going?

    Then buy a ticket and meet me in fayetteville, goob. We'll drive up and pick up Fenris on the way. It's looking like i will be able to go, unless something with block leave gets screwed up. :D Do it now, wench!
  4. Thailmore

    Sprigfield VA @ Jaxx - who's going?

    It's not that the traffic is that crazy, it's mostly just because there's too many cars on the road, and most of the drivers are either inconsiderate pricks (i.e. not giving you any space to get over or speeding up to keep you from changing lanes) or they just plain don't know how to drive...
  5. Thailmore

    Sprigfield VA @ Jaxx - who's going?

    I will keep you posted on changes, for I am in Iraq right now, but I'm going to try to go to the show @ Jaxx. I should be getting back from this deployment by mid September, and I should still be on leave by the 21st. I'd be coming up from Fayetteville, NC, so if i can go, stopping in Roanoke...
  6. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

  7. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

  8. Thailmore

    Own Pictures

    I need to check with Brooke, I still haven't converted her fully, and i dunno if she'd wanna go see a real concert or not... I've been told that 28SEP-29OCT is block leave, so I may be able to make it to the AA show at Jaxx!!:notworthy We'll see what happens...
  9. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

    Lenin shoots... He Scores!!
  10. Thailmore

    Own Pictures

    Thanks! I'll tell her you said that. I'm not sure what she's listening to, but I believe it's a movie from the DVD player in car (with four of them, it's pays to have something for them to do :D) here's the whole gang, taken on the day I left. Someone needs to come find me with a camera...
  11. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

    Little Suzie was walking with her grandmother when they saw two dogs having sex. "What are they doing, Grandma?" asked the little girl. Grandmother was embarrassed, so she answered, "The dog on top has hurt his paw and the one underneath is carrying him to the doctor." Suzie considered this a...
  12. Thailmore

    Own Pictures

    I found some pics of me that aren't in uniform. This is from christmas during my time in Hawaii in '03. This one is from I don't know when, and I don't know what the deal is with the face.... And this is my youngest, Haley. yay.
  13. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

  14. Thailmore

    Funny Pictures

    Here's another one that I couldn't stop laughing at. {{Edit: Apparently, photobucket won't let me upload the whole thing, so here's a YouTube link to the whole thing R.I.P. Dimebag
  15. Thailmore

    Got Mine!

    If i can work it with work and all, i will be. 'Specially since it's at home. :D Stupid 21st on a tuesday....:mad: