Recent content by thaimcgrath

  1. T

    Metal Mix check it!

    Are you looking for feedback?
  2. T

    Post hardcore mix / Need advice

    Hello there! Keep in my mind mixing is 50% opinion. Anyways what I think is that the mix lacks a bit of air in the guitars. Did you low pass them a lot? The cymbals could be brought up in volume and compressed a little bit so that they are more consistent and giving the mix more air overall. I...
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    Need comments on this mix

    I think the blended bass could have a little more low end as well as the bass drum to give your mix some extra punch and subwoof. Vocals could come out a little more by compressing them, are you saturating them by any chance? Also, I'm looking for help on one of my mixes, I posted a thread so...
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    Looking for help and opinions

    Hey guys, something about my mix makes it seem slightly empty to me and it also seems to lack 'air'. What do you guys think, how should I go about fixing this? Any help would be great!
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    MetalCore. Mix-DI's included.

    Matt6g, what did you use for his guitar tone?
  6. T

    MetalCore. Mix-DI's included.

    I have a question, what did you use to record your DI signal, it sounds so clean to where it doesn't need a noise suppressor when I run it through an ampsim.
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    So frustrated, I think I need a mixing tutor. Any Ideas?

    Hey, guys! Lately I just feel really frustrated with mixing and it seems as if I keep taking steps backward instead of forwards. I think I need to get help from another recording engineer in improving my mixes. Can anybody spare a bit of time to help me out or know of any sources that will be of...
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    need feedback on mix

    Alright, so state the problems that you wish to rectify in order.
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    Need help and advice with a mix, thanks!

    alright, what else can I do?
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    need feedback on mix

    It could be the fact that you quad tracked that may be the reason why the guitars were eating up the mix before, not quite sure but it's a possibility maybe check it out. I believe however that in all that filtering you filtered out the "life" or "body" of the guitar and left TOO much space for...
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    Need help and advice with a mix, thanks!

    Hey guys I just joined this website today out of frustration because I'm at a block for my mixes. I have no idea how to make the thing as a whole more clear and get the guitars and bass clarity to sit right. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll answer any questions about the mix you...
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    Instruments sound very solid to me! In fact I could learn a thing or two from you. The only thing I would complain about is that the vocals seem to sound inconsistent inside the mix .Any way we could talk, and share some knowledge?
  13. T

    Slowly going nuts over this mix (grind)

    Add some presence to the vocals to make them a little more crispy. Snare is a little boxy and loud. Keep it up!
  14. T

    need feedback on mix

    It's extremely thin, the guitars and bass especially, did you double track and pan? Also, bringing up the volume would be good as well and boosting the low mids might help beef it up more. Let me know how it comes along!