Recent content by Tharuz88

  1. T

    So now that Opeth is on its death bed....

    Holocaust on the moon? This is more racist than the redhead who listened to Rammstein (love you emily)
  2. T

    Non-metal influences/favorites

    I bought a guitar I don't know how to play, but respective to my private craft I'll definetely have Novembersdoom and rammstein as my biggest influences in music, I'm young though, its the future I tell you. Fro TV, you should watch The late late show with craig ferguson on cbs he is this...
  3. T


    I love what I'm hearing about The Voice of Failure, sience my all time favorites are Collapse of the Fallen Throe, For Every Leaf That Falls, Swallowed by the Moon(I know its very sentimental and personal, but its like a great piece of Literature(Dante's Inferno was written during his time in...
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    EUROPEAN TOUR - 2006

    Your music should be played on the Late late show with graig ferguson or put into The Punisher 2 soundtrack. Seriously.
  5. T

    The Wayfaring Chronicles

    I'll read it for free:p
  6. T

    What's your favorite Novembers Doom coverart?

    I like the monster that's spiked on the back on the To Welcome The Fade album cover, the blue pale one. But I am obsessed with and in love with the girl I dedicate the songs to.
  7. T

    Balanced World?

    I try to get people to listen to Novembers Doom. We need to spread this good shit out if its ever going to make it into a movie soundtrack. Seriously though, I'm studying US History, and I have to learn about "flappers" and "Elvis". Just think: in the year 2115 highschool juniors in europe or...
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    Dark Fields for Brilliance

    I used to get depressed at times( I was homeschooled and had mental problems) so whenever I would fed my sadness with music like this. I never grew a pair to go out and do stuff, so I feel bad for some people that do, but I manage to intimidate them. haha. To me that was your peak guys...
  9. T

    Auction for "For Every Leaf That Falls" EP

    I'm sorry and I hate to revive old threads. but I just had to ask my heroes what the meaning of this For Every Leaf That Falls song is. I want to know, beacause it came across me as very emotional, kind of like a lose love song
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    Auction for "For Every Leaf That Falls" EP

    I was born on the '89.The Crazy 88 from tarantino's film kill bill?(japanese/chinese mafia) come on. knock over an 8, you get infinity. Rammstein scares the crap out of some of us, I know I got scared when I heard Stein um Stein, Te Quiero Puta, and Morgenstern etc, etc.(not to mention these...
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    Auction for "For Every Leaf That Falls" EP

    The only good manowar song is warriors of the world. I haven't heard anything else, but november's doom kicks all their asses. ND is bad ass, I impress my highschool n00bs with your music. And it does kick Rammstein's ass, too bad you get so little recognition
  12. T

    Auction for "For Every Leaf That Falls" EP

    I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your music is too good, I wish that they would have For Every Leaf That Falls as the opening theme of a movie. :notworthy I would go so far as to say that if your music were a warrior, it would kick the asses of Metallica, Rammstein, and System of a...