Recent content by thatguyseviltwin

  1. thatguyseviltwin

    Albums currently displeasing your ass

    Suicidal tendencies are a fairly homo erotic band but it made me laugh cuz i thought of metallica THOSE are some queers plus they picked up a fag
  2. thatguyseviltwin

    Males and Females

    Those are the greatest pictures ever
  3. thatguyseviltwin

    Long time no see yous guys

    I wasnt posting a bunch when I left but I forgot hom much fun this stuff is I MISSED you GUYS:hotjump:
  4. thatguyseviltwin

    Describe the person above you.

    ^might be my father
  5. thatguyseviltwin

    Check out my bands new video - modern thrash

    That is a badass song!! Its nice to hear about something thats not black meta or some emo glam shit... YOu guys should kick it in the States lol
  6. thatguyseviltwin

    The pics thread

  7. thatguyseviltwin

    NBA Playoffs

    Game six is in boston come on boston is ridiculous the whole LA LAkers team coaching staff and all will kill themselves after the game..... even if they win
  8. thatguyseviltwin

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Listening to thunderstorm and watchin basketball
  9. thatguyseviltwin

    The Unstoppable LUNCH Thread!

  10. thatguyseviltwin

    im new here...

  11. thatguyseviltwin

    Describe the person above you.

    ^Knows that the dude below has less posts than anyone
  12. thatguyseviltwin

    The Pelvic F*ckin Fury Tour!!!

  13. thatguyseviltwin

    Last movie you've watched

    NIGHT Watch Nochnoy dozor (2004)