Recent content by The Jesus

  1. T

    Dublin tonight, Belfast tomorrow.

    That gig was fucking excellent!!!! I was on the barrier myself, right in the middle infront of John!
  2. T

    Which Opeth song are you?

    Demon... Demon of the Fall! Demon... Demon of the Fall!!!
  3. T

    Your Guitars

    I currently use (& abuse): Ernie Ball Music Man JP model Fender MIA Strat Epiphone Les Paul Studio (JB in Bridge) Marshall JMP-1 VHT 2/50/2 Marshall 1960 B Then theres a few pedals i have gathering dust on the floor, Big Muff US reissue Boss DD-6 Zoom something 707
  4. T

    Godspeed you black Emperor

    +1 Excellent CD
  5. T

    Mikael - Irish Date Please!!!

    Well obviously not right now! Hopefully they'll keep it in mind though when they tour again after Martin gets better! (its not like they look at this board though is it :err: )
  6. T

    Mikael - Irish Date Please!!!

    I second this, we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you back here!!!!!!!!