Recent content by The Mysterious Traveler

  1. T

    Danzig gets his ass kicked by Def Leppard guys...

    What am I going to get banned now or something? Do you seriously think I give a shit after the way you especially treated me? Fuck you! Do whatever the fuck you want , I'm outta here. I'll stay on my Board and you better stay on yours because you'll only be embarressing yourself stupid bitch!
  2. T

    Danzig gets his ass kicked by Def Leppard guys...

    Greasy bastard? Wow that was racist. Real smooth grabadick :rolleyes: I like how you're making fun of me as some internet tough and yet there you are doing the exact same thing by reacting haha losers. BTW cunt wipe I know I can't prove it but try not to make gay ass Droogie post over at the...
  3. T

    Danzig gets his ass kicked by Def Leppard guys...

    Wow that was really weak bro! Did you think that one up by yourself? :tickled: I wouldn't stirr up more shit if I were you, you're not dealing with some fat whiney bitch from Hoboken this time and what I choose as an avatar is my business. Did I forget to mention how much I loaded up you wife's...
  4. T

    Danzig gets his ass kicked by Def Leppard guys...

    Well whoever brought that up recently has been living under a rock for 12 years because that's how long ago that story was. I have no probs if you like to talk about past events, just don't make it sound like it's hot off the press when you do.
  5. T

    Danzig gets his ass kicked by Def Leppard guys...

    This just in, Kurt Cobain is dead :lol: C'mon guys That news is older than the stale bread JohnnieCzech use to wait in line for.
  6. T

    Hey brent you yuppie little bitch

    It's alive and well thank you. What ever happened to Billy's integrity is the Question
  7. T


    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. T

    Hey brent you yuppie little bitch

    And that concludes why overweight cro magnon Anti-Semites should never be near a computer :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. T

    Stop the b.s.

    What New Sound!? Anthrax have always written and composed Heavy Metal music the way it's supposed to be played be it John or Joey on the mic so long as Scott and Charlie continue to write good songs all they need is the right vocalist and not every band gets the oppurtunity to have two in a row...
  10. T

    Stop the b.s.

    Can I ask you something? Who the fuck died and made you the sole decision maker on what the band can or can't do? Joey, Frank, and Dan coming back is the best thing to happen since Bruce Dickenson came back to Iron Maiden but you Bushies just want to whine like 6 year olds "Oh Whaa! Bush got...
  11. T


    :err: ^ If you don't like either one of them, just don't vote pure and simple
  12. T

    Anyone else feel bad for Billy?

    I don't feel bad for him. Billy is nothing but a no talent guttermouth who should be happy Scott and Charlie took the time to work with his fat ass in the first place. He doesn't even have M.O.D. anymore, fuck him.
  13. T

    My Greatest Thanks and Deepest Sympathies to Anthrax!

    Larry that was a brave thing you did sharing that story with us, Anthrax has helped me get through many problems in life as well. And even if this may be temparary, I'm really glad these guys were able to regroup once again for the new generation of metalheads here.
  14. T

    What happened to Turbin????

    Don't tell us, tell him. Check this crap out :ill: Final verdict= Pathetic
  15. T

    For all reunion haters...

    Good now I don't have to pimp your sister around anymore :Smokedev: