Recent content by The Shinanigans

  1. The Shinanigans

    Things you hate that local metal bands do..

    im not going to post about any metal bands, but this punk band from my high school walk around like their the shit, when all their stuff sounds like my ass, and they already know this, they think their famous when they play at some little venue downtown, and they dont get the message when the...
  2. The Shinanigans

    Most Overrated Bands You Want To Die

    I personally speaking, am not all too jazzed about Floyd, but then again what i like or don't like changes from another persons point of view no...?
  3. The Shinanigans

    young toronto band

    We are a metalish, hardcorish, alcoholic:kickass: band from toronto, with little experience on our gadgets with less than a year experience, we are still juss learning alot of things, but having fun doin it, check us out at :rock: (and tell me wut u think)...