Recent content by thedonutman

  1. T

    Ibanez Xiphos XPT700 (UK) - £280

    Hey guys, I'm selling my Ibanez Xiphos. It's one of the original 2007 ones with the D-activators and the chameleon paint. Plays and sounds pretty good, especially for heavier stuff. Has a couple of small dings and the usual chips to the pointy bits but nothing major and none that have gone...
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    Ibanez RG7620 7 string (UK)

    This is my 1999 Ibanez RG7620. Not great cosmetic condition with lots of dings and chips, particularly around the edges of the body. Plays and sounds pretty good. Frets are in good condition and the neck is straight. Although not shown in the picture, the string retainer and tremolo bar are both...
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    FS: Profire 2626, BSS Audio AR-133 DI (UK)

    DI has gone. Interface still available!
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    FS: Profire 2626, BSS Audio AR-133 DI (UK)

    The DI is a bit battered but functional. and the Profire is in pretty much unused condition and comes with the box and all original contents. Looking for £300 ono for the Profire and £50 for the DI Thanks!
  5. T

    Boss GT8 or Pod XT Live

    I'm thinking of getting a floorboard type multi-fx unit for home practice, a little bit of recording and maybe the occasional gig. Which one do you guys recommend (assuming I can get them both for around the same price)?
  6. T

    Anyone up for COLLABORATING on some melodic Death/Thrash metal?

    I'd love to do bass for this. Muffins is probably a bit too complicated for me to learn in a short time though - I'd probably have to Dragonforce it with loads of punch-ins. :lol:
  7. T

    What is the best value for money or "bang for buck" product you can think of?

    I had the chance to have a listen to a pair of those at the weekend - amazing monitors. I bet they make you mixes sound at least £2500 better :lol:
  8. T

    DANDELIUM - Thorns (my best song all time). Remixed with vocal draft.

    I love the vocals on this - great voice + great production. I can't help thinking you could do with more from the overheads on the drums, although I do understand that with programmed drums they begin to sound fake when they're more present.
  9. T

    Djent cover of Lady GaGa - Paparazzi - Axe fx, s2.0 etc. (Just for fun )

    Rhythmically it sounds pretty interesting, not too sure about the harmonies in the verse though.
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    Metal/Rock project! Recruiting thread!

    I'd be up for doing some bass, but I see you already have a bassist. I can probably do rhythm guitar too - I've got a 7 string.
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    New Darkadian track. An old song re-recorded for the album!

    I love the grooves, especially that second riff. It reminds me a lot of stuff like Pantera and Pro-pain with some modern influences. I think perhaps the mix could do with a little more low end maybe, though?
  12. T

    7 string pickups advice...

    Just bear in mind the Schecter has a brutal neck joint.
  13. T

    Anyone wana play some bass for me?

    Sounds good. I've added you on msn. :)