Recent content by TheGreatDeciever

  1. T

    Breaking News!

    Aw man no! I really hope he gets better. SymX has got to be one of my favorite bands of all time, I really hope Mike gets better--and not just for the band's sake! That really sux hopefully we'll hear some good news soon.
  2. T

    Evergrey Interview with Michael Håkansson

    Hey there--great freakin interview! Like I said, you guys should totally read that if you wanna hear about MMA--the sound is a bit different so if your in to Evergrey totally read that, its pretty revealing.
  3. T

    Evergrey Interview - Michael Håkansson in Vermont

    Hey, great interview, by the way! Just got finished reading it now -- anyone who is interested about hearing about the new sound on Monday Morning Apocalypse should TOTALLY check this one out. :kickass:
  4. T

    Favorite Bands/New Discoveries

    hey you didn't
  5. T

    Metal is the coolest music on earth and the NHL is the coolest league...

    Messier had to be one of my few if not only childhood heroes. He really rocked. Yea, 'world beater' Weekes may not be, but maybe thats what the team needs. Fewer high-priced vets and a few more average guys that can work cohesively as a team.
  6. T

    Favorite Bands/New Discoveries

    New disturbed? Man, I have been out of the loop. What's the cd called?
  7. T

    They're back!

    heh, man, ur stronger then me--i don think i could wait that long--i give it three years max, lol
  8. T

    Request Radio

    I think that song might actually be called the "Chosen Ones", lol. but im not sure. but yea that song rocks, so does chasing the dragon. great band.
  9. T

    Favorite Bands/New Discoveries

    Oh, i gotcha. Trust me--it's not that bad. When I was a freshman here at military skool, we couldn't leave campus unless we were in uniform. When ppl looked at you it was always this corny, "Aww, look at that upstanding young man, servin the greater good and all that." But when I walk around in...
  10. T

    Favorite Bands/New Discoveries

    Oh right right, i gotcha. But, hey, blind guardian kicks ass so yea, hopefully they WILL have a masterplan-esque success story. I'll have to check em out...
  11. T

    Request Radio

    Really? Man, it seems hard for me to find Dream Evil fans--like, I know they're out there, but most of the ppl I know that even know of Dream evil prefer bands like Rhapsody or Hammerfall more. Dream evil rocks! :hotjump: :rock: What's your favorite song? I personnaly happen to love...
  12. T

    Metal is the coolest music on earth and the NHL is the coolest league...

    Bah! :loco: I laugh at your Red Wings! The Rangers are the greatest hockey team to ever exist! They're gonna take the cup this year--just you wait! :rock: :worship: :rock:
  13. T

    Favorite Bands/New Discoveries

    Do you mean like, they sound similar to Masterplan? Just wondering because I really love that band and would be willing to check them out...
  14. T

    Request Radio

    :hotjump: SWEET!!! :worship: *sigh*...I love this place
  15. T


    Lol sorry, just was reminiscent of a game I like to play, nvm mind hehe