Recent content by thekillinghand

  1. T


    This is getting better and better and better and better and...holy shit!37days to go? seems like I´m "dying outside" ha ha ha,.... :hotjump: Can´s wait!!!!
  2. T


    ever heard of WARSTEINER??? (Germany) real good one! :loco: and hey, better never taste one of those american ones,...we all hate their beer! Think about this "Reinheitsgeboht" (right?) he he! PROST
  3. T

    BS to tour with Helloween????????

    Falconer! before i forget: opener should be Falconer! so please get back to me and let me know: right or not? maybe someone of the band reads this so please let me know! sounds really awesome!
  4. T

    Let your soul be tempted!

    maybe someone on here knows anything,......and where can i buy ticket :hotjump:
  5. T

    I hate Far Away!!!!

    sorry, i´m new in here, but yes, this song was way tooooo cheeeeesy! uargh! they should stay reaaaallllllly heavy!
  6. T

    BS to tour with Helloween????????

    :hotjump: :OMG: on saturday, i´ve been told that brainstorm and helloween will go on a co-headlining tour in the fall of 2003!!! holy shit,..both wit a real big live-show (whatever that means, hargh,hargh - helloween with big rabbits or what....or any playmates on stage?? harrrrr!) .. i got...