Recent content by TheLeaperAffinity

  1. T

    Your thoughts on vocals

    Actually i spelled my name like that on purpose, i think it sounds kinda neat, my nickname is leaper now. Im a huge fucking fan of opeth and i wouldnt mess up the spelling on a song , especially if it was a longterm screename
  2. T


    Hey Staffan, how is sweden, do u talk like swedish there all the time, or like in english.....just wonderin
  3. T

    Who is the guy frober in moonlapse vergo

    maybe hes talking about a subliminal message or something
  4. T

    Your thoughts on vocals

    i was reading thru these and no1 really mentioned on mikaels voice, anyways ive read a ton of interviews asking him about effects on his voice and he says no its all my own vioce. qiute frankly i belive him, i mean that sounds real to me , just because its so good doesnt mean its fake, but i...