Recent content by TheMannequinMarauder

  1. TheMannequinMarauder

    Top 20 Favorite Movies

    2001: A Space Odyssey [kinda sad none of you have listed this movie,it's effin kubrick!] Citizen Kane Welcome to the Dollhouse The Elephant Man Clerks Forrest Gump Interview with The Vampire (Cruise has epic win here) Fargo Scarface Being John Malkovich Priscilla:Queen of the dessert...
  2. TheMannequinMarauder

    Worst Movies You've ever seen

    Obviously anything directed by Uwe Boll is crap and everybody hates him (Alone in the Dark,BloodRayne,Postal,Bloodrayne II) Can you believe he asked Hideo Kojima ,creator of Metal Gear Solid,if he can make a movie for the game? Hideo's response was "Absolutely not! I don't know why Uwe Boll is...
  3. TheMannequinMarauder

    What was No.1 on the day you were born?

    Father Figure- George Michael [united states]..... I should be so lucky -Kylie Minogue [uk] Shoot me once,then shoot me twice
  4. TheMannequinMarauder

    What was No.1 on the day you were born?

    Ha! Tears for Fears! you should be proud dammit :rock:
  5. TheMannequinMarauder

    what are you reading?

    I just finished Naomi Wolf's 'The Beauty Myth' .Though a third-wave feminist,her books are worth reading.
  6. TheMannequinMarauder

    Last movie you've watched

    Last movie I watched was Todd Solondz' 'Welcome to the dollhouse' ..I wanted to watch it again cuz last time I watched it I was like,12..kinda disturbing,but good.
  7. TheMannequinMarauder

    ICS Vortex- So Many Bands, So Little Time

    out of all the movies out now..ugh..nevermind.. I was anticipating a Vortex interview!Thanks! Nice to know he randomly stops by 24-hour walmarts here like the rest of And I loved Borknagar when he sang for them! 'Quintessence' is great.
  8. TheMannequinMarauder

    What does "The Pest Through The Air" mean?

    The words 'Slipknot' and 'Hot topic' are in an opeth ad..Now I really despise roadrunner. I hate your sig.
  9. TheMannequinMarauder

    Akerfeldt's jacket

    I am in love with Axe. Just had to make this public. :blush: This is the jacket i'm talking of,mike's wearing it. LEATHERRR ERRRR
  10. TheMannequinMarauder

    Akerfeldt's jacket

    But seriously i am interested too in the jacket,..and it doesnt look corduroy! it looks like brown leather..
  11. TheMannequinMarauder

    Is there an Opeth Street Team in the U.S.?

    A Cult? Interesting. : D like a ritual cult,with rites ..?
  12. TheMannequinMarauder

    Watershed: Are you disapointed with it?

    Correction:*I still remain an opeth fan* God dammit {P.S.-yeah I ride that black S10 extreme with an huge Opeth vinyl logo in the back window..honk next time!} Hello,Mike West Virginia loves you,.. Every cd store I visit here has some hillbilly dude in the counter wearing an opeth shirt. :D
  13. TheMannequinMarauder

    Watershed: Are you disapointed with it?

    I believe Mike's vocals were overdone in Watershed,I miss the old and vague whispers and short instances of poetic melody shown in 'Morning Rise' and 'Orchid','Still life' was great too because it didn't sound over-produced like it does now. I'm just trying to be honest :( The song ''Burden''...
  14. TheMannequinMarauder

    Is there an Opeth Street Team in the U.S.?

    If there is one,I would really like to join and spread the word out since Opeth is much more obscure in the states.