Recent content by TheSeldomlaid

  1. TheSeldomlaid

    Dizeaze in Norway's Scream Magazine this month!

    Is it the issue with King Diamond on the cover?
  2. TheSeldomlaid

    Amorphis - Silent Waters

    This writer is of the firm opinion that Elegy slays all of the above.
  3. TheSeldomlaid

    Ohhh brother.... :-(

  4. TheSeldomlaid

    Oh the golden old times

    Rape is sex too!
  5. TheSeldomlaid

    Oh the golden old times

    Since when did that stop an English gent? :p
  6. TheSeldomlaid

    Oh the golden old times

    Apparently with his 2 inches of hard steel! :O
  7. TheSeldomlaid

    Oh the golden old times

    Haha, no. You hadn't even registered yet when we had the good ol' golden years going here. They ended around TLaS.
  8. TheSeldomlaid

    Oh the golden old times

    No one ever needs him, so he's gone :)
  9. TheSeldomlaid

    Zarok, explain your logic?

    Windows IS a flawed tool :p
  10. TheSeldomlaid

    Official Unholy Alliance Europe Dates

    Meh :( I hope that setlist you posted further up goes for the Oslo show, at least it has Artifacts on it.
  11. TheSeldomlaid

    Alexi piercings

    Hey, that's copyrighted :p
  12. TheSeldomlaid

    More language mayhem: 4 Da Scandinavianz

    Hah, innrøm at det var svenskheten din som gjorde det :p
  13. TheSeldomlaid

    More language mayhem: 4 Da Scandinavianz

    Nei, les det jeg har sakset ut fra caplex. Skandinavia har vært en betegnelse på halvøya i snart totusen år.
  14. TheSeldomlaid

    Own Pictures Thread
