Recent content by Theycallmebones

  1. Theycallmebones

    Glass Casket?

    lol, sorry. This computer isn't working properly.
  2. Theycallmebones

    Glass Casket?

    What genre do they fit in? they seem to have elements of Grind/core, but I certainly wouldn't call them that. Any ideas?
  3. Theycallmebones

    Glass Casket?

    What genre do they fit in? they seem to have elements of Grind/core, but I certainly wouldn't call them that. Any ideas?
  4. Theycallmebones

    Glass Casket?

    What genre do they fit in? they seem to have elements of Grind/core, but I certainly wouldn't call them that. Any ideas?
  5. Theycallmebones

    The official now playing thread...

    Cephalic Carnage: Lucid Intervals
  6. Theycallmebones

    The Band Name Game

    Strapping Young Lad
  7. Theycallmebones

    Now Playing

    Under the Black Raven's wing Tvangeste
  8. Theycallmebones

    Songs that don't make any sense

    omg i'm kewl hardcore and emo makes me go WTF becuzcadfad 1t sucks BALLSACK
  9. Theycallmebones

    NIGHTWISH: North American Tour Postponed

    I couldn't agree more.
  10. Theycallmebones

    Who seriously can believe in bible?

    Most "Christians" don't follow the bible and treat it like an optional part of their religion. The bible isn't an option, nor is it simply a guideline. The bible is THE RULE for christians. However, most people who call themselves Christians are full of hot air. They don't read their bibles...
  11. Theycallmebones

    The neverending question (seen this one on another forum)

    Sweden Switchblade or Butterfly Knife?
  12. Theycallmebones

    Totally stupid question, but.......

    Jada Pinkett Smith I heard she is now the lead singer of a metal band. Is it the same Jada who is married to Will Smith? Oh yeah, what's the name of the band.
  13. Theycallmebones


    Yeah! After a long day of doing nothing, it feels great to unwind in a hot bath!
  14. Theycallmebones

    not to sound emo, but do you.....

    The deepest Gray: All That Remains And Adestes Fidelis: Cryptopsy