Recent content by Thong_of_thunder

  1. Thong_of_thunder

    Mathias Nygård - "The Songs that changed my life"

    I would.. .then id probably walk straight in to a lampost!
  2. Thong_of_thunder

    Mathias Nygård - "The Songs that changed my life"

    I personaly think tarja is the most beautiful woman ever Even if she was a bit of a diva I would give ANYTHING to look like her
  3. Thong_of_thunder

    Mathias Nygård - "The Songs that changed my life"

    couldent you see shakira replacing Tarja in nightwish with Shakiras voive i think she would fit in well ... how ever agulara is utter shyyte in a bucket
  4. Thong_of_thunder

    Yuletide a comin' !!!

    IO saw but yull is pagan xmas is cristian :)
  5. Thong_of_thunder

    Mathias Nygård - "The Songs that changed my life"

    No way Shakira has a lil taste! ( and a hot accent)
  6. Thong_of_thunder

    Yuletide a comin' !!!

    XXX Love you all! Hope yall had an awsome day! With all the love and affection I can contain ! Merry Xmas! :kickass:
  7. Thong_of_thunder

    Introduction thread

    MMMMM I love the name Issac! Raminnds me of a thin tall blonde long haired man Walking in Black velvet robes and with his hair in a black bow! I plan on callign my first born Issac or Yvonne :D
  8. Thong_of_thunder

    Introduction thread

    o.o I never introduced moi! Im Thong ... of Thunder AKA Yvonne Thong Chef Thong I like Turisas! funnily enough! Im from Birmingham England... :D I dunno what else to say as ive allready been posting for a few weeks!
  9. Thong_of_thunder

    Who is you're Favorite Turisas member, and why?

    i want his autograph on my violin!
  10. Thong_of_thunder

    The new album?

    EXCELENT!!! Great! * Prays on June 23rd 2007* that way I can have the album for my Birthday :D Thank you :D
  11. Thong_of_thunder

    Have you met any of the members?

    he he well what i find funny is i have a fake syringe in my bag ( its actually a pen its rather cool) my chef nearly kicked me out the kicthen when he saw me with it!.... anyway the academy dident see it in my bag or any thing!
  12. Thong_of_thunder

    Turisas with Lordi @ Birmingham Academy 27-10-2006

    True all peopel have been N00bs :D and are occasionaly i aidmit i am and have beeen :D
  13. Thong_of_thunder

    The new album?

    im in full time colage and work i get in at like 10:30 on week days and 4:30 am Weekends on the half hour i have spare i try to eat! Im not trying to be ignorant :(
  14. Thong_of_thunder

    Folk music

    I used to play fiddle in a brummy Folk pagan band called the spinny :D i just play oplain metal violin now :D
  15. Thong_of_thunder

    The new album?

    I unfourtunatly dont have time to read in depth when the next album is coming out ( nor spell check evidently) can some one just tell me please...... 'cause im a sweet little girlie :D who lives her violins and finnish men. :D Pweese (::Shedevil: :lol: